DPI880 Druck multi-function calibrator是来自英国德鲁克工厂的一款多功能的校验仪,下面我们来看看它的产品功能介绍Product Overview。
Druck DPI880多功能校验仪结构紧凑且易于使用,几乎可以测试、配置和校准所有过程参数。Druck DPI880多功能校验仪比竞争型号小35%,其类似 Windows 的菜单驱动显示屏意味着更少的按键和更简单、更易于理解的界面。数据记录功能意味着用户不再需要携带额外的记录工具。Compact and easy-to-use, the Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator tests, configures, and calibrates virtually all process parameters. The Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator is 35% smaller than competitive models and its Windows-like menu-driven display means fewer keys and simpler, easier-to-understand interface. The data logging capability means that users no longer need to carry additional recording tools.
Druck DPI880多功能校验仪几乎就是一个触手可及的校准实验室。用户能够获得高精度数据,并在按下按钮所需的时间内解决任何问题,从而节省宝贵的操作时间。例如,Druck DPI880多功能校验仪可以准确测试开关、跳闸和警报,并在 5 分钟内打印结果,而传统设备需要长达 40 分钟,并且需要手动输入数据。使用需要使用查找表的传统(较旧、更过时)工具进行热电偶变送器校准可能需要长达一个小时。Druck DPI880多功能校验仪能够在短短 5 分钟内提供即用打印结果。The Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator is virtually a calibration lab in the palm of your hand. The user has the ability to obtain high precision data and address any issue in as much time as it takes to press a button, saving valuable operating time. For example, the Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator can accurately test switches, trips, and alarms and print the results in 5 minutes, while a traditional device would take up to 40 minutes and would require manual data entry. Thermocouple transmitter calibrations may take up to an hour using a conventional (older, more dated) tool that requires the use of look-up tables. The Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator is capable of providing the ready to print results in just 5 minutes.
Druck DPI880多功能校验仪可测量和输出毫安、毫伏、伏特、欧姆、频率、热电偶、RTD、脉冲和压力,捕获开关值并提供 24 伏环路电源。因此,Druck DPI880多功能校验仪是测试、配置和校准几乎任何过程参数的强大工具。输入和输出参数的双重读数简化了校准和系统诊断,减少了技术人员所需的维修时间。The Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator measures and sources milliamps, millivolts, volts, ohms, frequency, thermocouples, RTDs, pulses, and pressure, captures switch values and provides 24 volt loop power. As such, the Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator is a powerful tool for testing, configuring, and calibrating virtually any process parameter. Dual readings of both input and output parameters simplify calibration and system diagnostics, reducing the amount of service time required by technicians.

Druck DPI880多功能校验仪与其他 DPI 800 系列型号具有共同的特点,包括大而明亮、背光、完整的图形显示屏,可在光线不足的条件下轻松阅读。用户受益于屏幕的完整图形功能,可创建多级读数和深度报告。Druck DPI880多功能校验仪采用橡胶外壳,在恶劣的工艺现场条件下是一款非常坚固的设备,其他仪表会提前磨损。The Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator shares common features with the other DPI 800 series models including a large, bright, backlit, full graphic display for easy reading in poor lighting conditions. Users benefit from the full graphic capability of the screen that creates multi-level readings and in depth reports. The rubberized exterior makes Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator an outstandingly robust device in rugged process field conditions that wear other meters out before their time.
Druck DPI880多功能校验仪具有内置的 Hart® 环路电阻器,无需在校准 Hart 器件时添加内联电阻器。The Druck DPI 880 multi-function calibrator has a built-in Hart® loop resistor which alleviates the need to add an inline resistor when calibrating Hart devices.

源和读取 mA、mV、V、欧姆、频率和脉冲;Sources and reads mA, mV, V, ohms, frequency and pulses;
仿真和读取 8 个 RTD 和 12 个热电偶;Simulates and reads 8 RTDs and 12 thermocouples;
32 个压力模块,从 10 英寸 H20到10,000psi(25 mbar到700 bar);32 pressure modules from 10 in H20 to 10,000psi (25 mbar to 700 bar);
同时双读取能力;Simultaneous dual reading capability;
自动开关测试和压力泄漏测试;Automatic switch test and pressure leak test;
1000 点数据存储,带实时时钟;1000 point data storage with real time clock;
24 V 环路电源;24 V loop power supply
HART®环路电阻器;HART® loop resistor
大尺寸背光显示屏;Large backlit display
坚固耐用,防风雨;Robust and weatherproof;
结构紧凑,使用简单,携带方便;Compact, simple to use, easy to carry;
方便的单手操作;Convenient one-handed operation;
IDOS通用压力模块的即插即用连接器;Plug/play connector for IDOS universal pressure modules
测试与维护Test and maintenance
变送器校准Transmitter calibration
环路设置和诊断Loop set-up and diagnostics
开关、跳闸和报警验证Switch, trip and alarm verification
DPI 800 系列是一整套先进、坚固且易于使用的手持式仪器。The DPI 800 Series is a complete range of advanced, robust and simple to use hand-held instruments.
这些工具具有很高的成本效益,是测试/校准许多常用工艺参数的好的选择之一。先进的功能和技术创新可在更短的时间内解决更多应用问题,并提供您可以信赖的结果。Highly cost effective, these tools are ideal for test/calibration of many popular process parameters. Advanced features and technical innovations address more applications in less time
and deliver results you can rely on.
测量或模拟RTD或热电偶传感器,是检查探头、变送器、过程回路、指示器和控制器的理想工具。与温度探头一起使用,提供多功能温度计。Measures or simulates RTD or thermocouple sensors and is the ideal tool for checking probes, transmitters, process loops, indicators and controllers. Use with a temperature probe to provide a versatile thermometer.
测试仪器上因环境条件变化而引起的误差。Unique thermocouple cold junction compensation virtually eliminates errors caused by changing environmental conditions on test instruments used outside.
自动检测 2、3 和 4 线 RTD/Automatic detection of 2, 3 and 4 wire RTDs
快速检测损坏的传感器和接线错误,否则可能会遗漏或导致系统不准确。Quickly detect damaged sensors and faulty wiring that could otherwise be missed or cause system inaccuracy.
具有广泛探头兼容性的温度计Thermometer with wide probe compatibility
与 8 个 RTD 和 12 个热电偶兼容,允许为任何温度计应用选择探头,例如通用、高温、卫生和腐蚀性介质。Compatibility with 8 RTDs and 12 thermocouples allows probe selection for any thermometer application, e.g. general purpose, high temperature, hygienic and aggressive media.
测量或源 Hz、kHz、CPM 和 CPH,为过程技术人员和电子工程师提供高精度校准标准和多功能测试工具。专用功能便于测试和维护电子电路、频率/流量计、批次计数器、转速表和运动拾音器。Measures or sources Hz, kHz, CPM and CPH providing a highly accurate calibration standard and versatile test tool for process technicians and electronic engineers. Dedicated features facilitate test and maintenance of electronic circuits, frequency/flow meters, batch counters, tachometers, and motion pickups.
自动触发Automatic trigger
无论波形或幅度如何,都能检测较好的值。Detects the best value regardless of waveform or amplitude.
智能数字输出传感器 (IDOS) 压力模块的温度范围为 10 in H2O 至 10,000psi(25 mbar 至 700 bar)。IDOS模块是即插即用的,无需仪器校准或设置即可提供功能齐全的
压力校准器。Intelligent Digital Output Sensor (IDOS) pressure modules are available from 10 in H2O to 10,000psi (25 mbar to 700 bar). IDOS modules are plug and play requiring no instrument calibration or set-up to provide a fully featured pressure calibrator.
标准精度和高精度Standard and premier accuracy
0.05% FS 的标准精度包括在 32°F 至 122°F(0°C 至 50°C)范围内运行、一年稳定性和校准不确定度。Premier系列提供实验室级精度,FS为0.01%。Standard accuracy from 0.05% FS includes operation over 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C), one year stability and calibration uncertainty. The Premier range provides laboratory grade precision to 0.01% FS
完全的灵活性Total flexibility
IDOS 模块可与任何带有 IDOS 标志的兼容仪器一起使用,例如 DPI 800 系列和 DPI 150。IDOS modules can be used with any compatible instrument carrying the IDOS logo for example, the DPI 800 series adn DPI 150
一般特点General spcifications:
电气连接Electrical connection
4mm插座和迷你插孔热电偶插座4mm sockets and mini-jack thermocouple socket
校准温度Calibrated temperature
50°F to 86°F (10°C to 30°C) ,除非另有说明unless otherwise stated
工作温度Operating temperature
14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C) ,除非另有说明unless otherwise stated
温度系数Temperature coefficient 14°F to 50°F, 86°F to 122°F
0.0017%FS/°F (-10°C to 10°C, 30°C to 50°C 0.003%FS/°C) For
ohms 14°F to 50°F, 86°F to 122°F 0.0028%FS/°F
(-10°C to 10°C, 30°C to 50°C 0.005%FS/°C)
储存温度Storage temperature:-4°F to 158°F (-20°C to 70°C)
储存湿度Humidity:0% to 90% non-condensing, Def Stan 66-31, 8.6 Cat III
冲击和振动认证Shock and vibration:BS EN61010:2001, Def Stan 66-31, 8.4 Cat III
EMC认证:BS EN61326-1:1998 + A2:2001
Electrical BS EN61010:2001. Pressure Equipment Directive (PED),
Class SEP. CE marked
显示Display:Graphic LCD with backlight
尺寸Size (l x w x h) 和重量and weight:7.1 in x 3.3 in x 2 in (180mm x 85mm x 50mm), 15 oz (425 g)
电池Batteries:3 AA alkaline, >50 hours measure, >10 hours 24V source
IO800A:Soft fabric carrying case with accessory pocket
IO800B:Belt clip, wrist strap/hanging loop and bench stand
IO800C:NiMh batteries with charger, batteries charged externally
IO800E:Data logging upgrade and RS232 lead