Bird美国鸟牌4042通道射频功率传感器是一款极具创新力与实用性的高端仪器,专为各类射频应用场景提供精准且实时的功率检测服务。其核心频率覆盖范围从100 MHz至1 GHz,广泛适用于通信基站、广播电视发射系统以及科学研究等多个领域中的射频功率监测需求。作为Bird 3141通道功率监视器(CPM)的理想搭档,4042系列通道功率传感器运用数字射频技术,精准捕捉50欧姆RF传输线中100MHz至1GHz频段内的正向和反射功率(最大500瓦),并同步给出至关重要的电压驻波比(VSWR)读数,这对于判断系统效能及排查故障起着决定性作用。该传感器的一大特色在于其独特的多通道处理能力:即便在复杂的多通道频率组合器输出环境下,依然能够精确测定单个通道的正向功率、反射功率及VSWR,同时还具备解析多达16个独立通道复合信号的能力。通过逐一扫描所有通道并累加功率数据,最终得出综合的正向功率、反射功率及VSWR数值。在数据传输环节,4042通道传感器采用了先进高效的RS-485串行总线技术,每个传感器都装备了双RJ-25接口,既可以灵活连接至CPM主机,也可通过第二个RJ-25接口进一步拓展RS-485总线,使得单台CPM最多能够接入并串联16个此类传感器,显著提升了系统的可扩展性和监测效率。4042 Series, Channel Power Sensors are digital RF sensors designed for use with the 3141 Channel Power Monitor (CPM). The sensors are typically used to measure forward and reflected average power on a 50 ohm RF transmission line with maximum 500 watt forward and reflected power levels in a frequency band with an overall range of 100 to 1000 MHz. The 4042 sensor also provides VSWR readings.The 4042 Channel Sensor is unique in that it is able to measure the forward power, reflected power and VSWR of a SINGLE CHANNEL in the presence of multiple channels at the output of a frequency combiner. The sensor can also measure the forward power, reflected power and the VSWR of the composite signal by scanning up to 16 individual channels and summing their power.The 4042 Channel Sensor uses an RS-485 serial bus for data transfer to and from a CPM. Each sensor is equipped with two RJ-25 jacks, either jack may be connected to a CPM. The second RJ-25 jack may be used to extend the RS-485 bus to another digital sensor. Multiple digital sensors may be serially connected in this fashion, allowing as many as 16 sensors to be connected to a CPM.
注意:每个4042传感器都能够占用全部 16 个可用通道。一个 CPM 最多可连接两个 4042 传感器。如果使用两个 4042 传感器,它们必须共享 16 个可用通道。
- 测量范围 - 正向功率(FWD):10W至500W
- 测量范围 - 反射功率(RFL):1瓦至50瓦
- 测量精度:读数的±5%
- 频率范围:根据订制需求选择(例如:43代表100 MHz至1000 MHz)
- 动态范围:17分贝
- 阻抗:50Ω
- 插入损耗:<0.2 dB
- 驻波比:<1.15:1(最大值)
- 互调失真(PIM):<-145 dBc
- 电源:7-18 VDC,<500 mA(由3141供给)
- 工作温度:0 至 50°C(32 至 122°F)
- 尺寸:5.2 英寸 x 3.8 英寸 x 1.4 英寸(132 毫米 x 96.5 毫米 x 35.5 毫米)
- 重量:0.6 磅(0.27 千克)
- 认证标准:符合CE、RoHS标准
- 配件:附赠10英尺RJ-25接口电缆
Specification | Description |
Item No | 4042 |
Item Name | Channel Power Sensor |
Measurement Range - FWD Power | 10 W to 500 W |
Measurement Range - RFL Power | 1 W to 50 W |
Measurement Accuracy | ±5% of reading |
Frequency Range Selection |
4042-1-ffwwxx-yyzz ff: Frequency Range (43 = 100 MHz to 1000 MHz) ww: Max Forward Power Measurement (05 = 10 W to 500 W) xx: Communication Interface (05 = RS-485 via RJ-25) yy: Input Connector (01 = N (F), 02 = N (M), 03 = 4.3/10 (F), 04 = 4.3/10 (M)) zz: Output Connector (Same options as yy) |
Dynamic Range | 17 dB |
Impedance | 50 Ω |
Insertion Loss | <0.2 dB |
VSWR | <1.15:1 (maximum) |
Intermodulation Distortion - PIM | <-145 dBc |
Power Supply | 7-18 VDC, <500 mA (supplied by 3141) |
Operating Temperature | 0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F) |
Size | 5.2 in x 3.8 in x 1.4 in (132mm x 96.5mm x 35.5mm) |
Weight | 0.6 lb (0.27 kg) |
Compliance Standards | CE, RoHS |
Standard Accessories | 10 ft RJ-25 Interface Cable |
Bird 4042通道射频功率传感器以其精准、灵活和多样化的功能,成为众多射频工程和维护工作中好用的的重要工具。