
美国Paroscientific Inc公司石英谐振压力传感器

成立于1972年的美国Paroscientific Inc.公司,由Jerome M. Paros博士创立,现以其基于数字石英谐振技术开发的压力传感器闻名于世。这些传感器被誉为全球精度最高、最可靠的产品之一。该公司进一步推出了精度提升至0.01%满量程(FS)且稳定性优于0.01%/年的数字式石英谐振压力传感器。这种先进的传感器在同一石英晶体上同时集成石英谐振压力传感器石英谐振温度传感器。通过利用石英温度传感器的输出对压力信号进行补偿,使得传感器能够在极为宽广的-54~107℃温度范围内无需预热即可正常工作。在结构设计上,该传感器实现了测压气体与压力敏感元件的完全分离,从而确保传感器不受测压气体种类和湿度的影响。此外,传感器内部还配备了砝码自平衡和冲击保护装置,使得传感器在高加速度、冲击和振动环境下仍能保持稳定运行。
美国Paroscientific Inc.公司的石英谐振压力传感器因其卓越的性能和可靠性,在众多领域得到了广泛应用,包括太空飞船科研、实验室研究、气球大气探测、卫星计量、水文地理学、航空、气象学、海洋学、过程控制以及能源开发等。所有产品均符合ISO9001的质量管理体系认证标准,体现了公司在产品质量和性能上的不懈追求。
Digiquartz® sensors are based on the Resonant Quartz Crystal Technology developed by Paroscientific over the last five decades. Parts-per-billion resolution and precision comparable to the best primary standards are achieved through the use of a special quartz crystal resonator whose frequency of oscillation varies with pressure-induced stress. Advantages include inherently-digital outputs, high resolution and accuracy, low power consumption, insensitivity to environmental factors, high reliability, and excellent long-term stability.
Digiquartz® products are successfully used in diverse fields such as Metrology, Oceanography, Meteorology, Geodesy, Hydrology, and Aerospace. Our sensors play the key roles in Disaster Warning Systems that measure and predict earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, severe weather, and flooding.
Paroscientific was founded in 1972 by Jerome M. Paros after a decade of research on digital force sensors. The company is located in an award-winning facility that houses all of the skilled personnel and sophisticated manufacturing and test equipment necessary to produce the world's most accurate pressure instrumentation. Our quality system and commitment to excellence ensure customers of outstanding products and services – solutions that work the first time out and for decades to come.
The History of Paroscientific is the history of innovation, continuous product improvement and a demonstrated commitment to excellence.
Paroscientific Inc. 石英谐振压力传感器
美国Paroscientific Inc.公司的石英谐振压力传感器采用双谐振梁结构设计,这种设计赋予了传感器高分辨率、出色的长期稳定性和卓越的准确度等级等优点。其工作原理基于石英晶体在压力产生的应力影响下,其固有振荡频率会发生变化,且这种变化与所施加的压力之间存在着明确的函数关系。通过精确测量频率的变化,可以精准地计算出所施加的压力值。该传感器的准确度达到了极高的0.01级水平,确保了在各种应用中的测量精度和可靠性。
美国Paroscientific Inc.公司的石英谐振压力传感器产品线丰富多样,包括以下系列:
1. Model 1000系列
2. Model 2000系列
3. Model 3000系列
4. Model 4000系列
5. Model 6000系列(如Model 6000-16B)
6. Model 8000系列
7. Model 9000系列
8. Model 745系列(如Model 745-16B)
9. Model 765系列(如Model 765-16B)
此外,公司还提供高精度数字压力计标准产品,以满足不同行业和应用的需求。这些系列产品广泛应用于科研、航空航天、气象监测、工业自动化、能源开发等多个领域,凭借其卓越的性能和稳定性赢得了全球用户的高度认可。所有产品均符合严格的品质标准,并通过了相关的认证,体现了美国Paroscientific Inc.公司在压力测量技术领域的领先地位。
Paroscientific Intelligent Transmitters consist of a Digiquartz®Pressure Transducer and a digital interface board in an integral package. Commands and data requests are sent via two-way RS-232 or RS-485 serial interfaces. Direct digital outputs in engineering units are provided with parts-perbillion resolution using the built-in, anti-aliasing IIR filter mode. Typical accuracy is 0.01% even under harsh environmental conditions. All intelligent transmitters are preprogrammed with calibration coefficients for full plug-in interchangeability.
Intelligent transmitters are available in 20 absolute pressure ranges from 15 psia (0.10 MPa) to 40,000 psia (276 MPa),and 7 gauge pressure ranges from ± 2 psig (±0.015 MPa) to 200 psig (0.15 MPa). Dual RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces allow complete remote configuration and control of all operating parameters, including resolution, sample rate,choice of engineering units, integration time, and sampling requests. Commands include: Single sample and send, synchronized sample and hold, continuous sample and send,and special burst sampling modes. 
Model 6000-15A高精度石英谐振压力传感器

Model 6000-15A高精度石英谐振压力传感器特点与性能

  • 0.01%典型精度
  • 十亿分之一分辨率
  • 高稳定性和可靠性
  • 双RS-232和RS-485接口
  • 完全校准和特征化
  • NIST可追踪-符合CE
Paroscientific Inc. 石英谐振压力传感器
文章来源Paroscientific Inc公司,深圳银飞公司有售6000-15A石英谐振压力传感器
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