Laversab 6300 RVSM Automated Pitot Static Tester (Most Versatile 2-Ch Tester)
Laversab 6300 RVSM Automated Pitot Static Tester (Most Versatile 2-Ch Tester).The Model 6300 is a versatile 2-channel RVSM Pitot Static Tester targeted for General Aviation; all Business Jets and Commercial Aircraft. It is used to perform leak-checks and accuracy checks on the Pitot Static systems of RVSM aircraft up to 690 knots & 60,000 ft. Accuracy checks are typically performed on altimeters, airspeed indicators and VSI’s. The Model 6300 is equipped with a Remote unit with large keypad and display, a removable 8-hour battery (optional), wide operating temperature (optional), and “profiles” to accelerate testing. Calibration is required only once a year. The 6300 can be controlled by an iPad or other tablets.
- Automated tests with profiles
- Wi-Fi control from tablet
- Leak check in minutes
- Wired remote & Wi-Fi included
- 8-hour removable battery (opt.)
- Extended temperature ranges (opt.)
- Emergency vents
- Large leak defense
- Self test for integrity
- Programmable limits
Pressure function: Range: 1 to 32 inHg
Resolution: 0.001 inHg
Accuracy: ±0.002 inHg
Units: inHG, mbar,psi,mmHG, kpa
Pressure Rate: Range: 0 to 30 inHg/min
Resolution: 0.001 inHg/min
Accuracy: ±1% of rate
Units: pressure-units/min
Altitude function: Range: -2000 ft. to 60,000 ft.
Resolution: 1 foot
Accuracy: ± 3 ft. @ 0 ft.
± 4 ft. @ 10,000 ft.
± 6 ft. @ 20,000 ft.
± 9 ft. @ 35,000 ft.
± 18 ft. @ 50,000 ft.
Units: Feet, Meters
Climb function: Range: 0 ft/min to ±15,000 ft/min
Resolution: 1 ft/min
Accuracy: ±1% of rate of climb
Units: Feet/min, Meters/sec
Pressure Function: Range: 0 to 30 inHg
Resolution: 0.001 inHg
Accuracy: 0 .003 inHg
Pt Units: inHg, mbar,psi,mmHg, kpa, EPR
Qc Units: inHg, mbar,psi,mmHg, kpa
Pressure Rate: Range: 0 to 30 inHg/min
Resolution: 0.001 inHg/min
Accuracy: ±1% of rate
Units: pressure-units/min (EPR in inHg/min)
Airspeed Function: Range: 0 to 690 knots
Resolution: 0.1 knots
Accuracy: ± 1.0 knots @ 20 knots
± 0.3 knots @ 50 knots
± 0.2 knots @ 100 knots
± 0.1 knots @ 200 knots
± 0.04 knots @ 500 knots
Units: knots, Mach, km/hr, mph
Rate of change: 0 to 500 knots/min
Airspeed Rate: Range: 0 to 500 knots/min
Resolution: 0.1 knots/min (0.01 km/hr/sec)
Accuracy: ±2% of rate
Units: knots/min, km/hr/sec, mph/min
Mach Function: Range: 0.0 to 3.0 Mach
Resolution: 0.001 Mach
Accuracy: ±0.001 above 0.2 Mach
Power Requirement: 90-260 VAC, 47-440 Hz, 100 W (200 W with heaters)
Optional Removable Battery: 6 to 8 hours of operation
External Interfaces: WiFi, RS232 Serial ; Encoder optional
Dimensions & weights: Main unit: 22”x 14”x 9”/ 34 lbs
Remote unit: 6”x 6”x 1”/ 1.8 lb.
Environmental Specs: Operating temp: 0°C to 50°C, –40°C to 50°C (optional)
Storage temp.: –40°C to 75°C
Humidity: 5 to 100%
RVSM & Automated operation
Simply enter the target set-points for altitude and airspeed and the unit automatically achieves the targets, ramping at the programmed rates. Control at the set-point is stable within ± 1 foot and ± 0.1 knot. This RVSM tester’s low price makes it very affordable.
Calibration period
1 year
Programmable limits
User-programmable limits for altitude, airspeed, Mach, VSI and airspeed-rate provide protection to the aircraft.
Negative-airspeed protection
An internal differential-pressure relief valve provides protection against negative airspeed.
Removable Battery (Optional)
The removable battery allows for 6 to 8 hours of continuous operation. Re-charge time is only 8 hours.
Low-temperature operation (optional)
With optional internal heaters, the unit can be operated down to -40°C
“Jog” and “Hold” features
Set-points can be “jogged” up or down in small increments. Ramping to a set-point can be put on “hold” and controlled at the current measured value.
“Ground” feature
Brings Pitot and Static outputs to ambient “ground” pressure after completing a test. Ambient pressure is constantly monitored.
“Profiles” feature
A profile of set-points can be downloaded from a PC, allowing the user to step through the set-points using a single key. Each profile can have up to 50 set-points and 15 profiles can be stored in the unit.
Leak checks
Pitot and Static leak-checks can be performed either independently or simultaneously. Three leak-timers can be programmed to perform timed leaks between 1 to 20 minutes. The display of “instant” leak rates provides immediate feedback to the user.
Pressure & Vacuum source
Built-in diaphragm pumps provide the pressure and vacuum source for the unit.
Remote unit
The Remote unit is the operator interface for the tester. It features a sunlight-readable 5.8” color display, a back-lit keypad and a touch-screen (which can be disabled). All operations are performed from a single screen which displays all pertinent parameters.
Manual Vent Valves
On loss of power, the unit maintains pressure. The unit can be manually vented to “Ground” at a controlled rate using precision metering valves.
Leak-checks and accuracy-checks on Commercial, Business and Military aircraft
Leak-checks and accuracy-checks on Helicopters and UAVs
Ideal for heavy-maintenance and line-maintenance by commercial airlines
银飞 sells Laversab 6300